Tayberry Rose Jam by SABA
Berkeley, CA
Named after the River Tay in Scotland, Tayberry is a hybrid of blackberry and raspberry - while the color is more bright and pink like a raspberry, the core remains inside the berry after picking like a blackberry. The seeds are small and gentle and the taste is a layered tart and floral.
In fact, tayberry is a shrub in the Rosaceae family and the first time I cooked with it, I couldn’t believe how much rose aroma filled up the air. So the addition of rose petals in this jam really brings out the tayberry flavor and not overpowers it like you dumped a bottle of perfume in there!
Ingredients: organic tayberries, rose petals, organic sugar, organic lemon juice
Size: 8oz jar
A chemical engineer turned jam maker, Saba Parsa, is an Iranian-American immigrant, based in San Francisco. A lover of produce and seasonality, Saba's flavors change frequently. Her jams are released four times per year, in cadence with the seasons.